Teak has been experiencing steadily increasing demand for years. This noble wood is a popular material for furniture or building material.
Again we ‘work’ according to a proven pattern for years:
- The land owner gets 50 percent of the yield,
- The investor gets 36 percent
- And 14 percent remain for other project of the Mama Earth foundation, which also takes over the management.
A teak seedling costs only 20 Euro. If those seedlings do not grow, for whatever reason, they will be replanted at our expense. In order to let them grow into thick trunks, our certified foresters plant the trees at a distance of 4 x 4 meters, i.e. a maximum of 625 seedlings on one hectare.
Benefits for you
✓ Ownership of the trees, which are all numbered, without a doubt by a notary contract
✓ Low start-up costs thanks to our own tree nurseries
✓ Successful cooperation with the Philippine Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR)
✓ Regular counting and measuring with logs
✓ Area measurement with GPS and editing for Google Earth
✓ Accompaniment of the entire project by our farmers
Benefits for the people
✓ The farmers keep their own land (no land grabbing)
✓ The local people get work (social responsibility)
✓ The farmers get 50 percent (management and guard)
Benefits for nature
✓ No plantations (monocultures)
✓ Destruction of illegal wood trade
✓ Protection of the jungle
✓ Satisfied farmers do not sell to international corporations
✓ Land will be used ecologically and for a long time