After long preparations our campaign myTree has finally brought to life. The thorough studies have grown into a tree planting program, which is unique on a global scale. You are very welcome to volunteer and plant with us!

The process: Mama Earth is releasing endemic trees into the wild and photographs each tree during the planting. The trees will continue to grow all their lives and create new forest areas.

The myTree planting campaign aims to plant 5 million trees in Mindanao, Philippines. It is important for us to guarantee the highest transparency. How is that possible? Every planted tree is photographed with its coordinates. So, there will never be two trees showing the same coordinates! This way you can be sure that we planted exactly that tree on your photo. If you enter the coordinates in Google Earth, you will ‘fly’ to your tree. Our foresters and their helpers take care of the trees for three years, after that their survival is safe.

Each tree helps the afforestation of our project ‘wild forest’ in Marilog
The planted trees will not be for logging
This mixed forest is part of sustainable environmental protection
The afforestation is supported by the environmental state authority
Development of livelihoods for humans and animals
Ideal as a gift (weddings, birthdays, clients, family)

Click here to watch our myTree video.


Forester and author Peter Wohlleben puts in a nutshell: ‘Forests thrive best without human intervention.’ But when there is no forest, trees are the first requirement. We plant them for you. At points where formerly wood companies raged, but also at ecologically important places.

In the program myTree, we only plant trees that are not intended for commercial logging. Of those almost twenty different species, most of them are already on the Red List. Cutting down these trees are prohibited and violators will be prosecuted. Your trees will grow in the Davao region, where, among other things, the Philippine eagle – the largest eagle worldwide – desperately needs space to live.

The afforestation areas are provided to us by the Philippine Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR). Most of them are sensitive areas, such as water conservation areas. The larger the areas, the more options we must resettle wildlife there.


You are searching for an unique gift? In that case, the myTree gift card is just right for you. With these cards, you are not only bringing joy to your recipient, but also to our nature. It let’s you give a gift in good conscience: Maybe as a Christmas present, a birthday present, an incentive for your customers or as a wedding or anniversary gift?


You have a code and want to redeem it? Click here to go to the corresponding page: Redeem code



If you want to know what Ulrich Kronberg himself says about his product, just watch this short interview by


The ‘wild forest‘ project covers almost 100 hectares and is planted with approximately 65,000 different trees, which are mixed to the specifications of nature. The project is under the patronage of the Philippine Department of Environmental and Natural Resources (DENR) and has the highest protection status as a water protection area.

We have been planting since mid-2017. On the 23 species of trees planted, several of them are already on the red list. In order to speed up the settlement of birds and animals, many Balete trees (also called the Red Stem-Fig), which attract monkeys and birds with their red seeds, were already planted. From 2020, wild Cacao trees will be on the program, a favourite food of wild cats.

Our foresters will take care of planted trees for three years. Afterwards, they would wildly grow together with other trees into the “Wild Forest”.


1.640 trees Montfort Bat Cave, Samal Island | Status: completed

2.5 million bats live in the caves of Montfort farm. They are a tourist attraction, but they also have an ecologically indispensable task: The bats pollinate the fruit trees, especially the Durian trees, during their nocturnal phase. According to the counts of an American scientist, the caves on Samal island are home to the world’s largest fruit bat colony. That’s why they are recorded in the Guinness Book of Records.

6.700 trees Marhalika, Marilog, Davao | Status: completed

The community of Marharlika resides 140 kilometers away from Davao City, 1,200 meters above the sea level. Misty clouds often cover the morning sun and during the night the temperatures drop sharply. The land belongs to the Matisalug tribe from year one. Here we planted 3,700 endemic trees in phase one to connect existing forests: Yakal, White and Red Lauan and Balete. The area around Marhalika is the natural habitat for those trees, but also for the Philippine Eagle, which prefers the mentioned trees as nesting sites.

Noch vor wenigen Jahren Stand hier kein Baum

Aussetzen eines myTree Baums

Heute wächst dank myTree ein gesunder neuer Wald


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