• Mama Earth – 25 years for people and nature

    We support people and nature with our green investment and green products.


Mankind already destroyed a part of planet Earth, our place of living. Sometimes because of lack of knowledge, often for fast profit without consideration of the consequences. We also forget that we are passing the Earth to our children and their children in a viable state. It is not expected that someday everything will recover by itself.
The world population is rising, from about 300 million thousands of years ago to 5.5 billions in the year 2000. Despite all efforts to stop the ‘explosion of population’ it reached 7.5 billion. More people simply need more. This raises the demand for resources that are taken off the Earth to the brim.

This exploitation of resources requires countermeasures if we want to have a chance to escape the collapse. But there are no simple recipes, the compounds that keep the ‘organism Earth’ alive are too complicated. No book can explain all the ways that are possible and steps needed for the environmental protection and sustainable development of our planet. Who wants to tackle all of them at once, is going to fail. But doing nothing would be the worst possible way.

Even though people have done many things wrong, they have also the power to do better for our planet. Mama Earth places people at the center of their strategy, so our priority is clear: First, humans need air to breathe, at least 10,000 liters a day. Clean air has priority over all other needs. Without sufficient air to breathe even crystal-clear water and opulent meals have no meaning. In order to generate the needed oxygen in the air, we need plants and trees, which in turn are ‘fed’ by our breathing air, ie. carbon dioxide. Trees and forests produce plenty of oxygen, so we simply need more of it. One fully grown tree can supply at least ten people with breathing air. The quote from Prof. Dr. Jörn Wittern fits here very well:

One leaf tree produces two kilograms of oxygen in one hour, one human uses up two kilograms of oxygen per day, each liter gasoline that fuels a motor or a turbine uses up two kilograms of oxygen per day.’



Mama Earth has been a registered association for more than 25 years.

In the early years, our main engagement focused on the termination of driftnet fishing, fur trade and large-scale livestock farming. We did not lift our finger but went to the people, farmers and fishermen to enlighten them. A laborious work that has paid off

As a part of our project for the spreading of the solar cooker SK 16 (today parabolic cooker 100), we came directly into contact with the worldwide shortage of wood and the alarming deforestation rates. These experiences have changed the goal of the association greatly.

Since then we have been concentrating on the afforestation with the help of the local people. Environmental protection and economic development are not mutually exclusive. Our first project was the successful planting of more than a million mangroves. For this our foresters have been working hand in hand with the local people.

With this success under our belt, further tree projects were added (also commercial projects). Today we offer a well-thought-out investment package in the areas of teak, mahogany and cacao.

For over three years now, the association can call themselves a foundation with even more afforestation projects, for example the large “myTree” project.
Again, unlike any other organizations, we do not only collect donations. Because how and where the money is used is usually based on a pure basis of trust towards the organization. Whether the money really gets where it is needed and how many percent are invested for the internal structures and the advertising of the organizations, are the remaining questions.

Therefore, we from Mama Earth offer you the chance to support a concrete project. For example, if you purchase a tree via “myTree”, you receive the exact coordinates of your tree on a photo and you can look up its location in Google Earth. Google Maps guides you after the input of the coordinates directly to your tree.


Ulrich Kronberg

Ulrich Kronberg

Founder & President

Publisher and Journalist of Palstek Verlag, Hamburg

Mary Mina F. Remis

Mary Mina F. Remis


Responsible for administration and authorities

Curtny Kronberg

Curtny Kronberg


Finance and Marketing

Michelle C. Centino

Michelle C. Centino


Accounting Department.

Ma Rheoleen D. Espanola

Ma Rheoleen D. Espanola


Responsible for internal procedures, legal papers, etc.

Our Foresters

Mark Joseph Ibabao

Mark Joseph Ibabao

Certified forester

Manager of the afforestation program and the team

James Caligbus

James Caligbus

Certified forester
Elton Jay Amila

Elton Jay Amila

Certified forester

Our Monitoring Team

Welfredo Abarico

Welfredo Abarico

Coordinator and Supervisor of the mangrove program

Ronnie Pana and Jonar Pana

Ronnie Pana and Jonar Pana

Monitoring Team 1 for the mahogany and teak program

Marjun Romula and Danila Fernandez

Marjun Romula and Danila Fernandez

Monitoring Team 2 for the mahogany and teak program


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