• Green investments with an additional value

    Nature, as well as the local people, benefit from our “Green Financial Investments”.


As a registered foundation, we are very proud to offer green investments on a social and sustainable basis. The Mama Earth Foundation can deal with wood investments, because we give a major part of 50 percent of the money to local farmers, who provide us with land and take care of our trees. Every tree has a specific number and matches exactly one investor. To operate this kind of timber-forestry, we focus on two highly demanded noble woods: mahogany and teak.


Because of our idea of sustainability, the investments of Mama Earth are not intended for fast gain. But instead, they are very secure and profound. Wood is an increasingly demanded natural resource whose prices are rising steadily. But we at the Mama Earth Foundation do not speculate with optimistic assumptions, we calculate with real market prices. Due to the low entry price and real mahogany cubic meter price (270 Euro, May 2020), with us, you are on the safe side and not on the wrong track.

We bring work into the villages and not only leave the land to the farmers but make them earn well on their land. Theft of trees is practically not possible because everyone lives in a neighborly community. In addition, damage caused by typhoons to young trees up to 25 years is nearly impossible and due to many rainy days, forest fires can not develop. And as we leave the wood in the country, we release the pressure on the remaining forests, which are still suffering from logging. Any more green and social investment with good interest rates is not doable.



The standard investment

From planting to harvesting (rotation period), mahogany trees are expected to need around 12 years. After that time a trunk diameter of over 30 centimeters should have been reached. Such a trunk contains about half a cubic meter of usable wood. A planted and grown mahogany seedling costs 13 Euro and yields at its harvest at least 40 Euro for the investor. One cubic meter mahogany (423.776007 board feet) costs approximately 270 Euro. Or another way: 1 Board feed achieved 37 Peso at the lumber yard (January 2020). 424 Board feet corresponding 15.688 Peso = approximately 275 Euro. A 12-year-old mahogany tree contains 0,5 cubic meter wood, corresponding 137,50 Euro. This amount shall by rounded up to 120 Euro, because of exchanging rates fluctuations. The Shares of 120 Euro: 60 Euro for the Farmer, 43,20 Euro for the Investor und 16,80 Euro for Mama Earth Foundation. The interests are 9,819 percent for 40 Euro, increasing to 10,483 percent for 43 Euro.


The longtime investment

The rotation period for teak is set on 15 years. Teak seedlings are a bit more expensive (20 Euro) because they require more care in their early years and we look after them for three more years. All trees are managed by the farmers and our own monitoring teams. We control and track growth and work with well-trained foresters and modern forestry equipment to achieve the best results. For example, we operate the trimming of the treetops. This ensures that the nutrients that are not consumed at the top benefit the development of the trunks. High-quality navigation devices help us measure the properties and track our teams.

Mahogany Savings Plan

„Mini Forst“

100 MAHAGONIBOOKS with monthly payments

<strong>You pay 10 euros a month</strong> and own <strong>100 mahogany trees</strong>. If you have saved 1,440 euros after 12 years, <strong>you get paid 3,600 euros</strong>. It couldn’t be simpler, but it couldn’t be faster either, because a <strong>mahogany tree needs 12 years</strong> to reach a trunk diameter of 32 to 36 centimeters.


In case of traditional investments, the goal is to yield in teak or mahogany. Wood, especially hardwood, is a highly demanded resource on the world market, which represents a relatively safe investment. In addition, every tree adds value to the environment. However, the entry prices need to be low in order to generate a decent yield.

The problem of traditional investment lies in the fact that neither wood nor the money gained from the wood, remain in the production country. The plantations provide some jobs, but all profits are derived. But if the wood does not stay in the country, illegal logging will not be stopped.

Especially illegal logging is a gigantic problem, because the enormous demand of emerging countries for building material promotes this destruction.

X Illegal logging of the natural forests
X One of the reasons of big flooding
X Draining money out of the country
X People in need sell their trees at ridiculous prices
X Big corporations buy land and plant monocultures
X If people stay poor, they will continue to cut down trees illegally


Mama Earth solves the problem of draining all profits and wood from the producing country. At the same time, we reduce the depletion. This is achieved by working closely with the farmers, who get 50 percent of the wood. This changes a lot for the farmers and the community. Starting from an increased purchasing power to the taxation of the sold wood. The yield comes from the fact that we have favorable entry prices for our seedlings, which are grown in our own tree nurseries.

Since our green investment gives the farmers a big share to improve their living conditions, we can act as a foundation with these wood investments. In addition, we commit ourselves to plant a new tree on the farming ground after harvesting another one. This one belongs to 100 percent to the farmers. This way they get the chance to manage their farms sustainably.

Strengthening of the economy
No draining of the profits abroad
Strengthening purchasing power
Sustainable financial security of the local population
50 percent of the wood remains for the farmers, who in return watch out
Notarization and approval by official bodies


The brutal pillaging of natural grown forests is a negative example of how dependency is exploited.
People sell their trees at ridiculous prices; not for fun, but out of necessity, where the class system keeps the carousel going. Very few earn much, most earn little. If people stay poor, they frequently get recruited to illegal logging.

However, the wood pirates can no longer or at a higher difficulty sell their goods. Because the controls are getting better with the help of monitoring techniques. If the illegal market collapses because the risks are getting too high, the wood prices rise. This benefits the forests and legal wood producers, including green investments from Mama Earth, which pay the farmers 50 percent of the wood yield without their own investment.

In the middle of Monkayo, where most of our mahogany trees grow, there is a confiscated truck as a memorial. This is to clarify that illegal logging not only leads to the confiscation of the wood, but also of the truck. The worker, driver and owner got arrested.


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