The amount of plastic waste moving in the oceans is unimaginable. Our plea: Dramatically reduce all use of plastic.
Again, the numbers of mangroves have “grown” pleasingly.
Our planting activities with indigenous trees are progressing. After planting almost 3,000 different trees in Marahan/Marilog, we are already active in another area, Monkayo. Here we will reforest 22 hectares with the Philippine Eagle Foundation to provide more habitat for the endangered eagles ( This project is in its infancy, but the first 130 trees have already been planted. We will publish on our website the planting pattern created by forest farmers, but please be patient. However, you should not wait and order our high quality gift card to secure funding. The printed version with the planting coordinates of your tree visible in the photo costs 10 Euro, a download only 7.50 Euro. Every tree planted is a profit for the planet.
Tree market
Again, we ask for a little patience. We are currently surveying the mahogany and teak trees in Monkayo and Montevista. It is a time-consuming process, but forester Jolly and our montitoring teams provide data on a daily basis. If you are interested in acquiring older mahogany trees, please email us. We just need to know how long you want to wait before harvesting, because the older the trees are, the greater the amount of wood, thus the financial return. We need this information because if we let the trees grow longer we have to draw up an annex to the notary contract with the farmers in order to secure both sides.
Every day, pictures and reports of the trees planted in Monkayo and Montevista arrive via our Group Chat.
Teak is very costly to maintain, but achieves a higher wood price than Mahogani.