Bad news belongs at the beginning. The price of mahogany has remained stable in the first months of 2021, but has now dropped by one Peso per board foot. Every year we get current prices three times from Timburana Wood Industires, the largest lumber dealer in Davao, and try to make a forecast.
The high price increases for cut lumber since the beginning of 2021 have not had an impact here in the producing country. I had already pointed out several times that hefty price increases are usually „made“, because wood is a commodity with which people like to speculate. You can read about it in the May 2021 work report. Wood is a good, but medium-term investment. For this reason alone, it is important that your entry price is moderate. But even one peso less revenue is noticeable Here is the comparative calculation: 424 board x 37 peso = 15,688 peso = about 275 Euro or 424 board x 36 peso = 15,264 peso = about 267 EurP, both sums calculated with an exchange rate of 57 Peso to one Euro. Eight euros less for one cubic meter of mahogany, i.e. about four euros per tree, because at least two trees are needed to produce one cubic meter of wood.
Where are the causes? Asia is also suffering from the restrictions. Many people simply have less money at their disposal. As a result, there is less demand in the construction and cabinetmaking sectors. What is our medium-term forecast? The price will pick up about two months later, when the restrictions are eased or lifted. However, this is not expected until the end of the year.

Wood remains a stable currency, because without wood it becomes very uncomfortable in living rooms, kitchens and even bathrooms. There is nothing that can replace wood, wood touches and makes our senses sound. Trees even more so.

The wood shop looks very „tidy“. Timber merchants also do not like to work with long storage times. Purchases are made only when the wood already has a buyer. Stocks cost capital.

The graph shows the price development of mahogany from 2015 to mid-2021. Both price drops (2020 and 2021) are caused by the corona restrictions.

The bamboo rafts with seedlings are pushed to the planting sites even before the low tide to start right away, because the next tide is sure to come.

All very simple, but must be precisely coordinated. The families are assigned their areas by the foresters so that they can better control the planting.


July 26 is World Mangrove Day, established in 2015 at the General Conference of the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to raise awareness of this unique ecosystem annually. We are working flat out in Mati to fill the Malizia Mangrove Park. Planting is done every month because we have now organized the nurseries in such a way that there are always seedlings of the required size to be released into the wild. In the meantime, more than a third of the targeted million have already been planted. It is a really special project because, for example, on the Guang Guang peninsula we interweave existing mangrove stands with new plantings. To put the right mangroves in the right spots each time, we follow the scientific instructions of Dr. Jimenez, director of the Regional Integrated Coastal Resource Management Center.

The women‘s organization already included 26 families from different villages for planting in early July 2021, all of whom are riparians and have an interest in seeing more mangroves growing on their doorstep. As these families also raise the mangroves they are particularly closely connected to the action.

If you like, you can follow our posts on Facebook. There you can find us under Mama Earth Foundation and Malizia Mangrove Park.
In the meantime, we have already written more than 180 posts for Malizia Mangrove Park, some of them with very interesting insights into the world of mangroves. Feel free to scroll through this information or request the PDF with the posts by email. Feel free to use it for events or information evenings. It will be sent via WeTransfer, as the amount of data is surprisingly high because the photos are also linked.
On the website you can follow the progress on a daily basis. We are looking forward to your „visit“.

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